The group depends on an unpaid team of about 80 volunteers, local vets and certain suppliers are generous in their support. Nevertheless, annual operating costs are in excess of £40,000 and provision has to be made for the periodic replacement of ponies and renewal of equipment and yard facilities. In common with other, larger RDA groups Wyfold is finding the increasing bureaucratic regime for charities demanding of time and therefore the trustees have found it necessary to employ a part time yard manager to assist them.
The group receives no fees, state aid or other funding and is entirely dependent on donations and fund raising events. Our fundraisers works hard throughout the year, organising events to raise much needed funds.
You can send a donation using bank card details through our Just Giving page. - using gift aid adds 25% to donations.
If you are running your own fundraising event, such as a sponsored walk, run or ride we would welcome your support through sponsorship. . Just search for Wyfold Group Riding for the Disabled to register your event.
We can also take donations in memory of loved ones through
Online donations or fundraising projects can be made via
We are registered with Easyfundraising. Download the toolbar and every time you shop with a registered retailer chose Wyfold RDA and a donation will be made.
Help Wyfold RDA by playing the GIVING LOTTERY It costs just £1 a week and you have the chance to win up to £25,000 Just click on the link below and have a go. Don’t forget to name Wyfold RDA as your chosen charity